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    Butt Shaping Exercises Without Weights

    Many people who enjoy working out make the mistake of neglecting certain body parts as part of a regular body-shaping routine. Much attention is paid to the chest, arms and shoulders, but muscles like the calves and buttocks are often forgotten. Your buttocks are muscles just like your biceps and triceps, and need attention to be developed. Butt-shaping can be accomplished with machines and free weights at the gym or without weights in your home.

    A young couple do lunging exercises on a riverwalk. (Image: dolgachov/iStock/Getty Images)


    The lunge is an exercise that can leave your butt muscles pretty tender the next day if you are new to the movement. Lunges strengthen and stretch your quads, hamstrings and your butt all in one motion. To do the exercise without weights, just leave your hands on your hips or down at your sides. Stand with your back straight and take a big step out to the front. Bend your front leg so your knee is about even with your toes. Your back leg stays straight with your toes on the floor. Next, you can either step up with your back leg and continue lunging, or step back to where you began and repeat the lunge again. The walking lunge should only be done if you have space to take several steps.

    Glute Bridge

    Doing a glute bridge takes up little space and can be done with no equipment. Start by lying on your back on the floor. Place your feet flat on the floor with knees bent and your arms at your sides. Lift your butt and hips up off the floor to form a bridge between your upper and lower body. Avoid trying to push your hips up as high as you can, or you will take the stress off your butt and put it on your lower back. Hold the bridge for several seconds, then rest and repeat.

    Glute Kickbacks

    Glute kickbacks are performed on your hands and knees. The exercise can be done by kicking one leg straight back, flexing your butt muscles, or keeping the leg bent and pressing the bottom of your foot up toward the ceiling. The second option probably works your butt muscles harder, but both are effective shaping exercises.

    Body Weight Squats

    Performing squats with weight is a common way to develop your butt muscles, and squats without weight can have the same effect. You may not create the same size muscles, but clenching your butt at the top of the movement will add shape and tone. Also, try different foot positions such as toes pointing out, and do the squats slowly.