List of Foods to Avoid With a Strawberry Allergy
Food allergy symptoms can range from an irritating runny nose or mild itching to life-threatening swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing. If you have severe symptoms, seek emergency care immediately. Although you might have identified a particular food as an offender, it's not always easy to identify other foods that might cause a reaction. Cross-sensitivity -- reactions to foods that are related or contain the same or similar allergens -- can also result in allergic reactions.
Strawberries are unusual in that their seeds are on the outside of the fruit. (Image: Siri Stafford/Photodisc/Getty Images)The Side of Caution
Some cross-sensitivities are well-known, such as the connection between bananas and latex allergy. With strawberries, however, the picture is not quite as clear. The Food Intolerance Diagnostics website notes that peach and melon commonly cause mild reactions when a person is allergic to another fruit. It also reports that if you have a latex allergy -- which means you are likely to be sensitive to bananas, avocado, chestnut, apple, kiwi, potato, tomato, melon and papaya -- strawberries might also cause a reaction. A September 2012 article on the "American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology" website indicates patients who are sensitized to strawberries may react to grapes and cherries. If you have severe reactions to strawberries, consult your doctor for more information.