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    Best Home Solution for Deep Acne Scars

    Deep acne scars can be very challenging to treat. Scars form layer by layer, and as such must be removed layer by layer. You can try home solutions that may help your skin imperfections fade away over time. However, determination and consistency daily are key to making home solutions work.

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    Vitamin E

    According to the Acne Treatment Specialists, vitamin E has been proven to be quite effective at diminishing deep acne scars. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that enhances the skin's healing and tissue repair abilities. It also prevents further cell damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E cream and oil can be used or you can break open vitamin E capsules and massage the oil onto the scar. Vitamin E supplements can also be taken to help treat acne if you are still suffering from breakouts.

    Baking Soda

    Baking soda is now being used in microdermabrasion kits, as it is an all-natural exfoliant. Mix one part baking soda with two parts water to make a paste. Using your fingers, apply the paste to the scarred area and gently massage the paste into the skin for at least one minute, careful to avoid rubbing your skin raw. Rinse the paste off. This will exfoliate any dead skin cells from the surface. This treatment will help shed the top layers of the skin, and it will blend the scar and diminish its appearance if repeated once per day.

    Jojoba Oil

    According to Acne A to Z, jojoba oil is gaining in popularity as a home solution for deep acne scars. It provides many benefits to the skin, including protection and moisture, and it also has soothing properties and restores a natural pH balance. Apply jojoba liberally to the skin and gently massage it in. As you massage, the oil will pick up dead skin cells and you will feel it become grittier as it exfoliates your skin. Massage as long as possible without rubbing the skin raw, and then rinse. You can also leave the jojoba oil on for 10 minutes or more to obtain the moisturizing properties if done prior to your daily skin wash, or apply the oil after your skin cleanser as a moisturizer.


    Keeping your skin fully hydrated through any skin treatment is important in order to keep the skin at optimum health, so it can better fight infections and damage done to the skin tissues. As you exfoliate, it will help to flush out any toxins from deep within the skin and keep the skin cells plump to further diminish a scar's appearance.