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    Is It Bad to Do Pushups & Pullups Every Day?

    Pushups and pullups are ideal strength-training exercises if you enjoy working out at home. These body-weight exercises require little equipment; pushups don't require any and pullups need just a pullup bar. Performing these exercises regularly can strengthen a number of muscle groups and lead to several benefits, but daily pushups and pullups aren't ideal. If you strength-train daily, your muscles won't have time to recover. Always consult your doctor for the final word.

    A man doing push ups on a mat (Image: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Getty Images)

    Allow Time for Recovery

    Adults should plan to perform strength-training exercises at least twice a week, and pushups and pullups fall into this category of exercise. Plan your strength-training workouts to allow one to two days between each workout for recovery. A recovery period of integral for the health of your muscles. Failure to devote adequate time to recovery can lead to muscle injury.

    Spread Out Your Strength Training

    It's possible to perform strength-training exercises on consecutive days, provided you build up to this level of activity and don't work the same muscles. Pushups and pullups have different target muscles, but involve the use of several overlapping muscles, such as your pectorals, biceps and triceps. If you're a beginner, perform pushups as part of a strength-training workout on Monday, use Tuesday as an aerobic exercise day and devote Wednesday to lower-body strength training. After aerobic exercise on Thursday, perform pullups as part of your routine on Friday. Again, always consult your doctor before starting this or any exercise regimen.