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    Does Jumping Rope Slim Your Thighs?

    Slim thighs are part of a healthy body shape that can make fitting into your skinny jeans a more pleasurable experience. Aerobic exercises such as jumping rope can help you burn fat and develop slimmer thighs. Jumping rope alone won't necessarily slim your thighs -- you'll also need to consume a healthy diet.

    Young woman holding jumprope in field. (Image: brocreative/iStock/Getty Images)

    Spot Reduction and Genetics

    The American Council on Exercise explains that spot reduction is not possible, meaning you cannot lose fat from just one area of your body. Instead, you lose fat from your entire body jumping rope, including your thighs. However, genetics plays a central role in determining the shape of your thighs. Some people naturally have thicker thighs, while others carry excess fat in their belly. Setting a realistic weight-loss goal and understanding what your own shape is are key to helping you stay motivated and not lose sight of your goal.

    Calories Burned

    Jumping rope burns a high amount of calories, helping you lose weight and trim your thighs. To lose 1 pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories. Harvard Medical School says that a 155-pound person can burn about 372 calories jumping rope for half an hour. Burning an excess of 500 calories daily can help you trim off a pound per week.


    Jumping rope activates the major muscles of your lower body. The repetitive motion of your jump activates the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles. Using your own body weight for resistance helps to not only burn calories but also increase your lean mass. The more muscle you have, the more efficiently you can burn calories during your exercise and at rest. Jumping rope helps to build muscular endurance, instead of muscular thighs, allowing you to see a reduction in the size of your legs as you shed weight.

    Interval Training

    Interval training can help you burn more calories and melt more fat during your jumping. Interval training focuses on both the aerobic and the anaerobic energy systems to allow you to burn more calories than traditional cardio. Intervals use short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of a moderate intensity. For example, jump at your fastest speed for one minute followed by three minutes at a moderate pace. Repeat your intervals throughout your exercise routine.