The Best Prenatal Yoga DVDs

Prenatal yoga is specifically modified for pregnant women to practice during all three trimesters, melding yoga poses with childbirth preparation. According to a 2013 study published in "Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice," prenatal yoga was effective at reducing anxiety, depression and other pregnancy-related experiences. It focuses on teaching you how to relax, being aware of your breath, as well as opening up your hips and pelvis to lay the groundwork for childbirth. DVDs are a great option for women who want the privacy of their own home to practice prenatal yoga.

What to Look for in a DVD
There are many options to try in regards to prenatal yoga DVDs. You can purchase separate DVDs for each trimester, or you can stick to DVDs that include differing poses for each trimester in its program. This is definitely something to consider when purchasing a DVD, especially if you do not feel like spending additional money on separate DVDs. You should also look for something that incorporates increasing your stamina -- this will help you when it's time to deliver your baby.
Shiva Rea's 'Prenatal Yoga'
Shiva Rea's "Prenatal Yoga" DVD is composed of three sections -- breathing and meditation; seated poses; standing poses, stretches and floor work; ending with a guided relaxation. Rather than having separate sections for each trimester, all three modifications for pregnancy are shown together, making it easier to follow along. The goal of this DVD is to build energy and stamina, while creating balance, strength and overall flexibility and circulation. All goals are to help ensure a relaxed pregnancy and easier childbirth.
Jennifer Wolfe's 'Complete Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga & Short Forms'
Jennifer Wolfe's two-disc DVD set also contains modifications for all three trimesters. If you are looking for something more challenging for your body, look no further -- this DVD is considered more vigorous than others. It also includes four different workouts -- 15, 30, 45 and 75 minutes -- helping you fit some sort of yoga into your busy day. It includes relaxation poses and an added bonus of a 10-minute routine with your partner and baby. There are also poses with tips included that may help during labor and childbirth.
Sara Holliday's 'Prenatal Yoga' Series
Sara Holliday offers three separate DVDs for each trimester of varying lengths from 30 minutes to an hour. A benefit of her DVDs are that she is actually pregnant during the filming of each video, so it may be easier to understand how and why certain poses are used in their modified forms for each trimester. The videos focus on helping relieve pain associated with the specific trimester, increasing strength and muscle tone, improving flexibility and helping create a connection between mother and child.