The Best Multivitamin for Toddlers

If your pediatrician has recommended that your toddler take a multivitamin, then it is crucial for you to pick the best vitamin you can find. Part of choosing the best multivitamin will depend on your budget and your toddler's taste buds. Find out from your pediatrician exactly how much of each nutrient your child should be consuming and then read labels carefully. Your toddler should be consuming enough nutrients if he eats a balanced diet, but sometimes this isn't easy to accomplish if you have a picky eater. Don't ever give your toddler more vitamins than his pediatrician recommends and keep his vitamins out of reach for his safety.

Flintstones Gummies

According to, Flintstones Gummies may be the best toddler multivitamin on the market. cites surveys by pharmacists, tests by the FDA and reviews from that establish Flintstones Gummies as the best multivitamin for toddlers and children. They fall below the FDA's upper limits for levels of lead, and these vitamins do not exceed the upper limits for vitamin A derived from retinol. The look and taste are pleasing to children, which may make it easier for you to get your toddler to take her vitamins. The Flintstones Gummies do not contain calcium, a valuable mineral for growing children, but there is another Flintstones Gummies product on the market containing calcium and vitamin D called Flintstones Gummies Bone Building Support that may fill in the nutritional gaps.
Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears Multi-Vitamin and Minerals
Also in the running for best toddler multivitamin is the Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears Multi-Vitamin and Minerals. states that this brand contains a little bit more lead than the Flintstones brand, but still significantly less than the FDA's limits. If your toddler takes three of the vitamins, he will exceed the upper limits of zinc and vitamin A from retinol. Reviews by parents on, reported by state that most kids, excepting picky eaters, like the taste of the Hero brand multivitamin. Another bonus is that the vitamins do not contain any artificial coloring or flavoring and they contain calcium and vitamin D, which the regular Flintstones brand lacks.
Dr. Mercola's Children's Chewable Multivitamin

If you are concerned with the ingredients of your toddler's multivitamin, you may want to consider Dr. Mercola's Children's Chewable Multivitamin. Dr. Mercola's vitamins are claimed to be free of questionable ingredients like hydrogenated vegetable oil, aspartame and synthetic food colorings. They are considerably more expensive, and did not have any tests performed on these vitamins.
Dr. Sears Little Champions Multivitamins
Dr. Sears also makes a brand of vitamins that are fruit based and free of the questionable ingredients found in other brands. recommends that your toddler be given vitamins when she is eating solid foods regularly, but perhaps is a picky eater and is not consuming food from the primary food groups. Dr. Sears multivitamins contain all the essential nutrients including calcium and zinc, as well as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and DHA. did not perform tests on these vitamins either.