How to Track a Kid's Activities on an iPod Touch
The iPod Touch has so many functions that it isn't hard for your child to stumble upon inappropriate content. Parents need to protect their children and train them in proper Internet behavior. Fortunately, parents have several methods they can use to track their child's iPod activities.
Parents can monitor their child's iPod Touch activity to ensure her safety. (Image: studiodr/iStock/Getty Images)Step 1
Check your child's Internet activity by opening up the Safari browser, which is installed as the default browser on the iPod Touch. Tap the bookmark tab, and then the history tab from the provided menu. From there you will be able to view all of the websites your child has recently visited. According to Apple, Safari displays your child's history using Cover Flow, which means you can quickly scroll through the websites the same way you would if you were scrolling through your downloaded albums.
Step 2
Use Safari's parental controls if you find your child was viewing websites you do not approve of. Go to the system preferences section of your computer, select the appropriate account from the accounts tab, log in with your pass code, click on the "Content" tab and select “Allow access to only these websites.” Type in the websites that your child has permission to visit. After that your child cannot access any websites that are not on that list without your pass code.
Step 3
Install a security app on your child's iPod. Apps such as iKeyMonitor and Jailbreak not only log the websites your child visits, but also any keystrokes and screenshots. These are then sent to your email so you can view what your child was doing while on the iPod Touch.
Step 4
Add a GPS app to your kid's iPod so you can track his movements as he uses the iPod. Find My Kids -- Footprints and GPS Tracker Tool 2.0 both are examples of apps designed to follow the movements of an iPod.
Consider adding the Kaboom app to your child's iPod Touch if you are concerned about the amount of time he spends on it. This app is a timer that will alert your child when his his time is up.
Alternative browsers for kids include Mobicip and Safe Eyes Mobile, should you choose not to use the Safari parental control settings.
Don't let your child know when you are going to check his browser history. History can be deleted. Surprise inspections are the best option.