Nutritional Facts of Kimchi Jjigae

Kimchi jjigae is a traditional Korean stew made with kimchi -- spicy, fermented cabbage -- and pork broth. Often included in the stew are pieces of pork, green onions and spicy Korean red pepper chili, also known as gochugaru. The stew is generally served spicy, but the heat can be adjusted to suit individual tastes. Rich and filling, kimchi jjigae is most commonly eaten during the colder months, but it's a belly-warming dish that can be consumed year-round.

Calories, Protein and Fat
A 1-cup serving of kimchi jjigae has 463 calories and 26 grams of total fat, including 10 grams of saturated fat and 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat. A single serving also has 78 milligrams of cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association, a person on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet can consume between 56 and 77 grams of total fat per day, no more than 15 grams of which should be saturated fat. The limit for cholesterol is 300 milligrams per day and less than 200 milligrams if you have a history of heart disease. As such, a 1-cup serving of kimchi jjigae contains a significant amount of your daily cholesterol and fat limits. A 1-cup serving of kimchi jjigae also has 24 grams of protein, which provides between 43 percent and 52 percent of the recommended daily allowance of protein for all adult men and women.
Iron Content
Considered an essential mineral, iron helps your body build a number of proteins, as well as being crucial to the production of blood cells. Iron helps with making hemoglobin and myoglobin, which aid in the transportation of oxygen throughout your body. Insufficient amounts of iron in your system can lead to anemia, symptoms of which are low energy and fatigue. A 1-cup serving of kimchi jjigae has 23 percent of the daily value of iron. Adult men of all ages and women 51 years old and up require 8 milligrams of iron per day. For women between the ages of 19 and 50, the recommendation is 18 milligrams per day.
Carbohydrate Content
The recommended dietary allowance of carbohydrates for adult men and women is 130 grams per day. For adult women who are pregnant, the RDA rises to 175 grams per day, and it is 210 grams per day for women who are nursing. With 33 grams of carbohydrates per 1-cup serving, kimchi jjigae provides 16 percent to 25 percent of the carbohydrate RDA for all adults. Carbohydrates are your body's primary source of energy and are needed to keep your nervous system, brain, kidneys, muscles and intestines functioning. Excess carbohydrates are stored in your muscles and liver for future use, but if left unused, they will turn to fat.
Sodium Content
With 430 milligrams of sodium per 1-cup serving, kimchi jjigae has between 19 percent and 29 percent of the maximum amount of sodium recommended for all adults. The recommended upper limit is 2,300 milligrams per day, falling to 1,500 milligrams per day if you are African American, over 51 years old or have a history of heart disease. Most Americans have a diet that is too high in sodium, which can lead to heart disease, kidney problems and high blood pressure. To reduce the amount of sodium in kimchi jjigae, avoid adding extra salt to the dish. If ordering it in a restaurant, you can also ask for the kitchen to limit the amount of sodium used.