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    How to Prepare Beetroot Juice

    Prepare beetroot juice with fresh beets and your vegetable juicer. Beetroot juice promotes brain health and lowers blood pressure, according to a study from Wake Forest University and published in a 2010 issue of the journal "Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry." Beet juice contains a high amount of nitrates. These nitrates turn into nitrites in your mouth, which dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow.

    How to Prepare Beetroot Juice

    Step 1

    Learn how to use your juicer for optimum results and safety. Ensure it is properly assembled by following the included directions carefully. Read the directions completely to avoid breaking the machine and injuring yourself. Obey all safety precautions outlined in the directions. Beware of the juicer's sharp, fast moving blades, which are strong enough to pulverize firm vegetables like beets and carrots.

    Step 2

    Select two to four medium-sized beets with the tops on, including the beet-red celery-like stem and green leaf top.

    Step 3

    Wash the beets thoroughly using a soft scrub brush you only use for fruits and vegetables. Put special soap used for washing vegetables on the scrub brush if you desire. Drain the water from the beets in a colander in the sink for a few minutes instead of on a towel. Beets bleed the color pink and may cause staining.

    Step 4

    Peel the beets if desired; the skin can impart a slightly bitter aftertaste. Cut the beet root and the tops into manageable pieces. Slice the pieces into the largest size your juicer can manage to save time.

    Step 5

    Place your glass or other container underneath the spout of the juicer to catch the liquid. Turn on the juicer. Place the beets into the designated hole in the juicer. Cover the hole or push the beets into the juicer as indicated in your juicer's instructions.

    Things You'll Need

    • 4 beets

    • Vegetable juicer

    • Drinking glass


    Sweeten your beetroot juice a number of natural ways, such as adding the juice of one carrot, half an apple or a quarter of one lemon with the skin on.


    Drinking beet juice can change the normal color of your urine and feces to shades of pink.