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    How to Prepare and Cook Frozen Lobsters

    Several types of shellfish can be purchased in your local grocer's fresh fish and frozen food section. These selections are available either partially prepared and cooked, completely raw or completely prepared, ready to heat and serve. Fresh fish is often flash frozen to preserve its flavor and consistency, which is often done with frozen lobster claws and tails. Flash freezing uses cryogenic temperatures to quickly freeze perishable food products in order to retain their natural cell structure. Preparing, cooking and serving 1 lb. of frozen lobster takes approximately 30 minutes from start to finish.

    Step 1

    Thaw frozen lobster tails or lobster claws by placing them in a glass dish and placing the dish in the refrigerator overnight.

    Step 2

    Place a 3 qt. saucepan filled with 6 cups of water and 1.5 tsp. of sea salt on the stove and bring it to a boil. If possible, use spring water instead of chlorinated tap water, as the chlorine can influence the taste of the lobster when cooked. Boiling is among the quickest and easiest ways to prepare lobster. This process also retains the taste and light consistency of this delicious shellfish.

    Step 3

    Add the lobster tails or claws to the boiling water, being careful not to splash the boiling water when you drop in the tails. Turn down the heat and bring the water to a simmer. For 1 lb. of thawed lobster, cook uncovered for 8 to 12 minutes or until the lobster shells turn bright red. Pull a small piece of meat and test for tenderness.

    Step 4

    Carefully drain the the tails or claws in a colander. When cool enough to handle, turn each lobster tail on its back and separate the tail from the body by twisting the tail and body in opposite directions. Cut away the tail membrane to expose the tender meat, and discard the black vein running through the tail. Remove the meat and place it on a serving dish. Use a nut cracker to break open the claws. Remove the meat with a small fork and place it on a serving dish.

    Things You'll Need

    • 4 frozen lobster tails (8 oz.) or 6 to 8 lobster claws

    • Glass dish

    • 3 qt. saucepan

    • Colander

    • Serving plates

    • 6 cups of water, preferably non-chlorinated

    • 1.5 tsp. sea salt


    Always check the expiration date on the packaging when buying any type of fresh or frozen fish.


    Be careful when dropping the fish into boiling water, as it can easily splash back and burn you.

    Be careful when picking up fish after draining the boiling water, as it will be very hot for several minutes.