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    Benefits of Eating Cherries

    Cherries offer a number of benefits to your health. (Image: Westend61/Westend61/GettyImages)

    There's no doubt about it - cherries are a popular food. Manufacturers like them because of their profit margin. Consumers like them because they offer health benefits and because they are, to most people, something akin to a treat, whether eaten cooked, uncooked or dried. Their side effects are few, but the benefits of cherries are many, which itself is a nice little cherry on top.

    Read more: Glycemic Index of Cherries

    Cherries and Vitamins

    Cherries offer you essential nutrients like vitamin C. Each species gives you a different amount, according to a 2018 report in Revista de Chimie. These scientists recorded values from 2 to 9 milligrams of vitamin C in a 100-gram serving. But you'll need to eat a few servings each day to reach the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C simply by way of this fruit.

    Cherries also have significant beta carotene. The authors of a 2016 paper in Bio Bulletin found 3.8 milligrams in a 100-gram serving. This value placed cherries fourth among the many fruits tested. You'll need only two daily servings of cherries to meet the recommended daily allowance for beta carotene.

    Read more: What Are the Benefits of Eating a Lot of Fruit?

    Multiple Minerals

    Cherries have many minerals. These elements include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron, according to a 2018 paper in the Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences.

    Of these minerals, cherries give you only calcium in a significant amount. The authors of a 2017 report in the Journal of Food and Bioprocess Engineering showed that cherries have about a 20thof what you need each day.

    Read more: Why Is It Important to Eat Healthy Food Instead of Junk Food?

    Help With Hormones

    Plant hormones such as melatonin regulate cherry growth. Eating cherries adds these hormones to your bloodstream, according to a 2016 paper in the European International Journal of Science and Technology. Your body can't distinguish this phytomelatonin from your natural melatonin as you have comparable levels each night.

    Cherries also include abscisic acid, a hormone that regulates development. The authors of a 2015 paper in the FASEB Journal showed that small amounts of abscisic acid can lower your blood sugar.

    Read more: Melatonin & Magnesium Supplements

    Full of Fiber and Antioxidants

    Cherries offer significant fiber, according to a June 2014 report in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. They give you 3.2 grams of fiber per cup, placing them in the high-fiber category. Consistently eating high-fiber foods can help you lower your cholesterol.

    Cherries also provide abundant amounts of phenolic acids, according to a 2017 paper in Food Research International. These antioxidants scavenge free radicals, and they can protect your body from harm.

    Read more: Do Antioxidants Help You Lose Weight?

    Watch Out for Side Effects

    Eating cherries causes only a few side effects. A review published by Eastern Michigan University noted that they sometimes cause an upset stomach and diarrhea. In addition, about 5 percent of the population has an adverse reaction to fruits like cherries.

    Read more: What Does Eating Too Many Cherries Cause?