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    Eye Exercises to Decrease Ptosis

    Ptosis is the drooping of one or both of the upper eyelids below the normal position. In severe cases, the drooping lid can shield part or the entire pupil and block your vision. Ptosis usually occurs due to weakened eyelid muscles or a separation from the muscle tendon and the eyelid. The condition can be congenital, or it can arise from neurological disease, muscular disease, growths, stroke or injury. While surgery is the only way to fix ptosis, you may be able to help decrease the condition via simple exercise.

    One-Eye Exercise for Ptosis

    The National Stroke Association recommends any eye exercise routine that forces the use of the affected eye and the eyelid muscles, which will help build the muscle's tolerance and improve your ptosis. You can do this in any way you desire; try moving your eye in figure-eight movements, rolling your eye or moving your eye in a full rotation. The site recommends performing such exercises a few minutes every hour.

    Patch Exercise

    You can also improve your ptosis by using the affected eye as your only source of vision. This forces the affected eye to perform double the amount of work for proper vision, thereby increasing focus and movement of the eyelid muscle. It also helps for any double vision experienced with ptosis. You can do this by covering up the healthy eye with an eye patch or gauze. As this can be hazardous, perform such exercises in a safe environment. Your physician may recommend a healthy length of time for this exercise, as it will vary based on the severity of your condition.

    Trataka Exercise for Ptosis

    While not directly for ptosis, the Trataka yogic eye exercise may help improve focus, vision and concentration in the affected eye. To perform, sit on the floor in a comfortable position while keeping your spine straight. Next, fix your eyes on an object and hold the gaze for a comfortable length of time. You will feel the muscles work as you hold your stare.

    Exercises for Amblyopia

    Amblyopia is a serious complication for children who have ptosis that has not been treated. Amblyopia, or a lazy eye, is a condition wherein the images that are taken in from the affected eye are ignored, while the images taken to the brain from the healthy eye are favored. Amblyopia can be corrected via surgery; however, it must be done before the age of eight, notes After this, visual development is complete, making visual impairment permanent. Amblyopia suffers may be required to wear a patch over the healthy eye to improve the affected eye; however, some exercises, such as doing small-print crossword puzzles and video games may help improve the disorder.

    Ptosis Repair Surgery

    Ptosis repair surgery will completely fix the condition. This surgery includes reattaching the eyelid muscles to raise the eyelid to a normal position. Your physician may recommend supplemental ointments or injected fillers to enhance help tighten the eyelid skin and enhance the results of surgery. These results are long-term; however, age and genetic factors may cause the eyelid to lower. Repair surgery may have side effects, such as temporary numbness of the eyelid, scarring, dry eyes and infection.