What Are the Benefits of Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini is defined as "the latent power of spiritual realization buried deep down in the human body, perpetually under pressure to rise up and manifest its truths, power, and bliss," according to John Selby in the book, "Kundalini Awakening." When you experience kundalini awakening, you awaken that power within yourself. This can lead to strong and startling sensations, so it's best to start your kundalini practice under the guidance of a professional.

Immediate Benefits
In the beginning phases of kundalini awakening, you'll feel something changing in your being, says author John Selby. The newly awakened kundalini energy will allow you to feel more present. You become more aware of your senses, bodily functions and energy levels. This awakening can also make you feel more at peace and able to approach life with a calmer state of mind.
For the Chakras
Kundalini awakening will balance and coordinate the chakras, energy centers in your body, according to Shakta Kaur Khalsa in the book "Kundalini Yoga." Khalsa says that when the kundalini energy rises up through the chakras, there is a definite change of consciousness in the individual as well as a noticeable transformation in his character. Those who experience this feel more balanced and have an improved attitude.
True Aim of Yoga
The awakening of kundalini is the true aim of yoga, according to Gopi Krishna in his book "The Awakening of Kundalini." Kundalini awakening will improve and assist your yoga practice. Also, your yoga practice can assist you in kundalini awakening. The two go hand in hand, says Krishna.
Other Health Benefits
According to siddhashram.com, the likely health benefits of awakening the kundalini include clarity of thought, improved memory skills and greater physical strength. Relief from stomach and throat ailments, liver problems and kidney stones may also result from kundalini awakening. According to kundalini leader Yogi Bhajan, the awakening of kundalini will lead you to "universal oneness," or enlightenment.