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    Exercises to Make a Smaller Waist for Men

    Many men carry excess weight around their middle, especially as they get older. According to Dr. Michael Jensen in an article for, men are more likely to gain weight around their middle as they age than women.

    Ab exercises are key. (Image: SanneBerg/iStock/GettyImages)

    Luckily, you can take certain measures to combat excess fat around your waist such as increasing your cardiovascular activity level and watching your diet. Additionally, certain toning and strengthening exercises will help you achieve a smaller, more toned waist.

    1. Cardiovascular Exercise

    Cardiovascular activity is the only way to lose weight and burn excess fat. While you can't spot-target fat from your waist, aerobic exercise will help you lose weight from your entire body, and belly fat is usually the first to go, according to Harvard Health Publications.

    You should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intense cardiovascular activity every week. You don't need to become an athlete - walking around the block during your lunch break or after dinner or joining a recreational sports team are fun and easy ways to fit in your weekly requirements of aerobic activity.

    2. Oblique Crunches

    Your obliques are the abdominal muscles along the sides of your waist. Strengthening exercises such as oblique crunches can whittle your waist and promote a smaller, more toned appearance. To perform a basic oblique crunch, lie on your side with bent knees. Place one hand behind your head and crunch your body up while you try to bring your elbow to the ceiling. Perform 20 crunches on each side.

    3. Trunk Twists

    Trunk twists are another beneficial exercise for promoting a smaller, firmer waist and abdomen. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and raise your arms straight out to your sides, keeping them in line with your shoulders. Twist to the right, letting the movement come from your waist, not your hips. Look over your right shoulder, but keep your hips facing forward. Return to center and twist to the left. Perform 20 to 25 repetitions.

    4. Bicycle Crunches

    Bicycle crunches are a challenging alternative to generic crunches because they work your upper and lower abs as well as your obliques. Lie on the floor and bend your knees, raising them parallel to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows straight out, not pointing forward.

    Twist to the right, bringing your left knee into your chest as you touch your right elbow to your left knee. Straighten your left leg as you simultaneously twist to the left, bending your right leg and touching your right knee with your left elbow. Perform 20 repetitions.