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    This Is Why You Should Become a Morning Person

    At Tone It Up, we love getting our mornings started bright and early! Not only does it give us plenty of time to prepare ourselves for the day, but it also has some major health perks. According to several studies, waking up early makes you happier, revs your metabolism and boosts your brainpower. And with a few extra minutes to spare in the morning, you're allowing yourself time to slow down, be mindful and prepare for your day without rushing through your morning routine. We're sharing the science behind becoming a morning person, so go ahead and set that alarm back. You're about to love your mornings!

    At Tone It Up, we love getting our mornings started bright and early. (Image: Tone It Up)

    Sleep Well

    Waking up early is one of the best ways to ensure a solid snooze. This study from Appalachian State University shows that people who start their day early have healthier levels of fatigue by the end of the day as compared to those who don't wake up as early - so they get a much better quality of sleep the following night. Pro tip: You can help condition yourself to wake up earlier by incrementally waking up five to 10 minutes earlier each day.

    Improve Your Mood

    Becoming a morning person makes you happier, according to a study conducted by the American Psychological Association. People who woke up earlier said they felt happier than those who hit snooze for a few extra minutes. Plus, they were more alert and had a stronger immune system. When you hop out of bed without hesitation, you'll have time to fit in a workout, giving you a boost of mood-enhancing endorphins to kick off your day!

    Jump-Start Your Metabolism

    Exercising first thing in the morning is the ultimate way to kick-start your metabolism. When you first wake up, your body has had plenty of time to digest, making it the perfect time to get in your workout because your body will enter a fat-burning zone. We like to do HIIT workouts (aka high-intensity interval training) because they incorporate short bursts of all-out intense movement, followed by a very brief period of active recovery. This majorly boosts your heart rate and gives you that daylong high energy and a rosy glow! Plus, the intensity of your workout will send your body into excess post-oxygen consumption (EPOC), which means you'll rev your metabolism and continue to burn calories all day long.

    Boost Your Brainpower

    Not only does waking up early allow you more time to be thoughtful about your day, this study found that early risers have stronger problem-solving skills and are more proactive than those who sleep later. Plus, there is nothing better than catching the sunrise.

    Not a Morning Person? Not Yet

    If you're thinking, “I'm just not a morning person,” don't worry! Becoming a morning person is actually simpler and more fun than you think. Remember, you can start small - no need to jump your alarm back an entire hour when you're just starting off! The most important thing is to create a morning routine that you love and look forward to, and this is different for everyone. A few tricks we love: Try setting your coffeemaker on a timer, so the moment you wake up, your house is filled with the glorious scent of freshly brewed java! And set your alarm with a fun, motivating song to lift your mood. We also like to devote time in the mornings for journaling and setting our intentions. This helps us feel centered and confident going into the day. Spend a few moments to think about the things you love, and then figure out how to incorporate them into your morning routine. You deserve that time for you!

    So up and at 'em! Get the most out of your morning by crushing your workouts. Join us in Studio Tone It Up to take HIIT, dance, yoga, total-body toning and so many other types of workout classes any time of the day! You'll also get to work out alongside thousands of babes across the world and receive so much strength and encouragement from the Tone It Up team! Download your app here!

    What Do YOU Think?

    Are you a morning person? If not, what is keeping you from becoming one? Which of these benefits is the most appealing to you? Let us know in the comments section.