How to Balance pH Level of Uterus
The pH scale determines the level of acidity or alkalinity within the body, as well as in food products. Ranging from between 0 and 14, 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral and 14 being the most alkaline, the body strives to maintain a certain pH level. A balanced pH allows the body to metabolize efficiently, to transport nutrients and to lubricate. Each body part contains a different pH. The University of Oulu reports that the uterus maintains a pH level of between 6.6 and 7.6, but ovulation might cause the uterine fluids to become slightly more acidic, while intercourse has an alkaline effect on the uterus. Maintaining an alkaline environment in the uterus is vital for conception, as sperm are unable to thrive in an acidic environment. Although the kidneys and liver function to maintain a pH balance within the body, certain foods might also help regulate uterine pH level.
A plate of Swiss chard tossed with garlic sits on a white table. (Image: Paul Cowan/iStock/Getty Images)Step 1
Consult your health care provider to determine the pH level of your uterus. Your doctor might require a urine, saliva or blood sample. Once you learn the pH level of your uterus, you might alter your diet to include more or less of certain food products to balance the uterine pH level.
Step 2
Increase your intake of leafy vegetables, fruits and grains to improve your level of alkalinity if your uterus tested acidic. According to Raquel Martin and Judi Gerstung, co-authors of "The Estrogen Alternative: A Guide to Natural Hormonal Balance," your diet should consist of 80 percent alkaline foods and 20 percent acidic foods. Examples of alkaline foods include kale, spinach, bananas, leeks, mangoes, quinoa, buckwheat, coconut, almonds and pineapples.
Step 3
Increase your intake of acidic food products if test results indicate that you are highly alkaline. Acidic foods include meat, dairy products, sugar, corn and some fruits, such as cranberries and blueberries.
Step 4
Ingest produce that contains chlorophyll, a compound that gives plants their green pigment. Brandon Brazier, author of "Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life," explains that chlorophyll significantly raises the pH level of acidic foods so that they become more alkaline. Individuals with a high intake of meat or dairy products would benefit from incorporating asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, peas and parsley into their diet.