The Underlying Reasons for Skin Problems With Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a rather irritating and in some cases even debilitating ailment. It can cause headaches and dizziness, as well as trouble breathing and feeling sick to your stomach. It is not uncommon to experience problems with the skin, particularly in the areas surrounding your sinuses, with sinusitis. These skin problems may be associated with the cause of your sinusitis, or they may be a separate symptom altogether.

Allergist Dr. Wellington S. Tichenor states that allergies may be an underlying cause of sinusitis. When an allergen enters your body, bacterial fighters called gamma globulins are produced in excess, which triggers a release of histamines that can cause congestion and pain in your sinuses. These same histamines can result in skin irritation as well. Typical symptoms of an allergic reaction on your skin are hives and eczema, says Tichenor. Hives are itchy, red bumps that appear on the skin. Eczema can cause skin itchiness, flaking, peeling and cracking.
Rosacea is a condition that is often mistaken for acne. If you suffer from rosacea, you may experience swelling and flushing -- increased blood flow -- of your face, as well as throbbing pain, according to The condition affects your nervous system and sebaceous glands, which are oil-producing glands in your skin. The pustules that are sometimes associated with a rosacea breakout may resemble acne. Because of the close proximity of your sinuses to the skin on your face, says that facial swelling and flushing can spread to the sinuses quite easily. If you experience sinus pressure and congestion with a rosacea flareup, see your doctor as soon as possible. The longer you go without treatment, the more likely it is for sinusitis to become chronic.
Skin irritation and sinus congestion could be caused by something in your environment, says Dr. Tichenor. Substances such as mold and dust can cause a histamine reaction in your body, promoting the production of extra mucus which clogs your sinuses. Coming into contact with the same substances may cause a reaction on your skin, particularly if you have sensitive skin. You may experience dry skin or a rash if your skin touches substances such as pollen, pet dander, dust or mold.