LIVESTRONG Leaders Submit Important Panels for Austin's SXSW 2018! They Need Your Votes!

LIVESTRONG.COM's VP and GM Jess Barron and social media director Lia Haberman have submitted panel discussion ideas for SXSW 2018 in Austin, TX. The panels are on important topics that need your votes and support now, so that they can get accepted and represent LIVESTRONG in Austin.

Jess's Proposed Panel Is "The Biggest Threats to Your Brain and Health"
We would appreciate your help on going to and registering on logging in and voting for Jess's panel on The Biggest Threats to Your Brain and Health. Pesticides on our food are more of a threat than ever to our brains as well as overall health. An estimated 16.9 million IQ points are lost among U.S. citizens annually as a direct result of pesticide exposure.
What can we do to protect ourselves? Two primary foods (beverages really!) that LIVESTRONG found that Americans consume the most often are from two of the most pesticide-ridden crops: coffee and wine. We'll discuss what the risks are and the steps to take to lessen your exposure.
Jess's panel will include Sarah Endline, Founder and CEO of Sweetriot organic cacao treats and chocolate bars, Peter Work from Ampelos Cellars and Jay Ruskey from Good Land Organics, a farm growing organic coffee in Southern California.
The panelists will address the following questions:
- How prevalent are pesticides used in the U.S. and worldwide, and what is the evidence that they are dangerous to our brains and our health?
- What does the term organic guarantee, and is it more healthy than buying local? Which is more beneficial? How about the term biodynamic?
- Which foods are most affected by pesticides, and which two foods can you choose as organic to lessen your exposure and protect your brain and health?
If you care about what goes into our food, coffee, wine and chocolate - please go here now and vote for Jess's panel!

Lia's Proposed Panel Is "How To Turn Your Offline Event Into Online Success"
Lia's panel on How To Turn Your Offline Event Into Online Success will illuminate how to create offline social events that bring your message and vision to life and entertain and enlighten guests, creating a genuinely memorable experience that will help you amplify your message. The best part is it doesn't always take a lot of money. Big ideas are far more valuable than big budgets, and Lia and her panelists will explain why and how.
Lia's panel will include Carlos Reyes, Creative Director, Dick Clark Productions and AJ Feuerman, Director, Public Relations and Social Media, Gravitas Ventures.
The panelists will address questions such as:
- Do event hashtags even matter anymore?
- How do I get more social traction around my event?
- I have zero budget, how can I still make an impact?
If you are looking to learn how to grow your business with offline events - please go here now and vote for Lia's panel!
Also, check out Jess's keynote talk on "How the Quantified Health Movement is Reshaping Health Care and Self Care" from Health Further 2016 in Nashville: