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    Home Remedies to Lower Blood Sugar Fast

    Lowering blood sugar is important because when blood sugar is high, inflammation can occur and destroy tissues. Diabetics and people with hyperglycemia need to be aware of their sugar intake and keep the sugar in the blood at low levels. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, certain foods, vitamins and even exercise can lower blood sugar quickly.


    Eating foods that are high in protein can help lower blood sugar. Protein foods include animal products, such as meat, as well as dairy, like eggs and milk. Tofu is also a good form of protein. According to a study by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, published by the American Society for Nutritional Sciences in 2003, protein foods act to almost immediately change the body's reaction to insulin.


    Research has shown that exercise quickly lowers blood sugar, according to an article published in Science Daily. A study led by Ronald Sigal, MD, found that aerobic exercise quickly reduced blood sugar by using the sugar in the blood to fuel movement and blood flow. The study found that combining resistance training using weights with aerobic exercise increased the body's ability to lower blood sugar.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, exercise can in some cases lead to hypoglycemia, or blood sugar that is too low. Diabetics should check their glucose level before and after exercise and drink fluids to prevent dehydration.

    Herbs and Spices

    Researchers at University of California at Santa Barbara found that cinnamon acts to balance insulin levels in the blood. Cinnamon can also lower triglyceride and cholesterol. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, other plant-based remedies that have been proven to lower blood sugar are fenugreek seeds, gymnema and ginseng.