Frontal Headache Home Remedy

A frontal headache is pain in the forehead and, in some cases, the cheeks and bridge of the nose. Headaches in this area may be tension headaches, sinus-related headaches or migraines. With any headache, if the pain is severe or recurring, you should see your physician to rule out illness. Depending on the type of headache that you have, frontal head pain can sometimes be relieved with a variety of home remedies.

Step 1
Take a hot shower. If this is impossible, try applying a heating pad, hot water bottle or hot rice pack to your forehead and the back of your neck. If you are experiencing a tension headache, heat may relieve the tension and your headache.
Step 2
Massage your temples, neck, shoulders and forehead, or ask someone else to do it for you. Massage can break up tension headaches, suggests the Mayo Clinic.
Step 3
Use saline nasal spray if your frontal headache is accompanied by sinus congestion or a stuffy nose. This can help you to expel the excess mucus that may be causing your headache.
Step 4
Eat something and drink water. Low blood sugar and dehydration can both cause frontal headaches.
Step 5
Drink a cup of ginseng tea or coffee. According to the Schiffert Health Center at Virginia Tech, ginseng and caffeine are popular headache remedies.
Step 6
Take a nap. A dark room and a period of sleep can relieve migraine headaches. If you cannot nap, simply removing yourself from bright lights and commotion may help.
Things You'll Need
Heating pad, hot water bottle or hot rice pack
Saline nasal spray
Ginseng tea or coffee
If you do not have nasal spray, inhale the steam from a cup of hot water or tea to relieve sinus congestion, recommends the University of California at Irvine Department of Otolaryngology.