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    Kundalini Awakening Side Effects

    Kundalini yoga is a type of intense yoga that should be practiced with an instructor, and that seeks to bring about the cleansing of the chakras, including the Kundalini chakra that coils like a serpent within the body. The "Kundalini Awakening" takes place when the chakras have been cleansed and the yoga has been completed. A wide variety of side effects from the awakening have been reported by various practitioners, some of which are fairly common, but range to uncommon and even bizarre reactions.

    Kundalini yoga is a type of intense yoga that should be practiced with an instructor. (Image: Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images)


    Upon completing the Kundalini awakening, you may notice a tingling sensation in your head, around the center of your forehead, otherwise known as the Third Eye Region, or Ajna Chakra. Tingling in the rest of the body may also be apparent after the awakening.

    Temperature Change

    Some individuals may experience a change in body temperate when experiencing a Kundalini awakening. Some report feeling very hot all of a sudden, some report feeling cold, while some report feeling both hot in cold in different intervals.

    Muscle Movement

    A Kundalini awakening may involuntary muscle twitching during and after the procedure and poses. This is usually a temporary sensation, and it can obviously become bothersome to the person experiencing it, especially when it lingers.

    Pinched Nerves

    Pinched nerves and a sensation of pinched muscles can sometimes be a Kundalini awakening side effect. While this might be mild, it can also become painful. Pinching may also be experienced in the brain, near the Third Eye Region. This is merely a sensation and not an actual occurrence.

    Energy Burst

    After the Kundalini awakening, many will feel a large burst of energy. Unfortunately, this energy may manifest as violence, but it will most likely feel more like a renewed feeling of life, love and affection toward your fellow man. Careful observance once the Kundalini awakening has occurred is necessary for those with violent tendencies.

    Spontaneous Movement

    One of the stranger side effects of Kundalini awakening is spontaneous, uncontrolled movement into yoga poses or positions without any effort from the individual who experienced the Kundalini awakening.

    Back Pain

    Some may feel mild to moderate back pain after the Kundalini awakening. This will usually go away after a day or two, but can usually be traced back to an incorrect position or following the poses incorrectly or without a trained teacher present.