Jogging for 45 Minutes Burns How Many Calories?

Finding time for a 45-minute jog several days per week can alleviate stress and provide a wealth of fitness benefits. Regardless of your reason for jogging, it's impossible to overlook this activity's positive impact on your health. Among the perks of jogging is the quick rate at which it burns calories, which can help you work toward your weight-loss goal or just help you stay in shape.

Say Goodbye to the Calories
Harvard Medical School reports that jogging is one of the fastest ways to burn calories. The website HealthStatus notes that a 160-pound person burns 461 calories during a 45-minute jog at 5 mph and 547 calories during a 45-minute jog at 6 mph. A heavier person burns even more calories while jogging at each speed. Someone who weighs 200 pounds burns 576 and 684 calories, respectively, during the two 45-minute jogs.
Jogging for Health and Happiness
Jogging can help you burn calories in your effort to shed a few pounds, but its health benefits don't stop with fat loss. This activity promotes stronger bones, strengthens your muscles and increases your cardiovascular fitness level. Exercises such as jogging decrease your risk of illness, help you live a longer life and improve your sense of well-being.