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    Is it Safe to Go in Beach Water When Pregnant?

    Part of leading a healthful life while pregnant is staying active, according to Swimming is a low-impact exercise for pregnant women because it works out the whole body, keeping you fit and preparing your body for giving birth. Pregnant women should get at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate aerobic activity each week. If you spend part of this time swimming at the beach, whether it's in the ocean, lakes or rivers, take into consideration some safety issues, including cleanliness and what dangers can be hiding in the water.

    A beach bag, towel, and hat on the sand by the sea. (Image: Alexander Mackenzie/iStock/Getty Images)

    Swimming in the Ocean

    Swimming can eliminate strain on your joints, which can be extremely helpful for moms-to-be who have to constantly carry around additional weight. Before you step into the ocean though, be aware of some issues. In the ocean, a pregnant woman needs to be aware of what can be lurking in the water, including jellyfish, anemones and hydroids, which can sting and cause pain, according to In rare cases, sharks can also be a danger. Avoid swimming in areas where sharks are common and swim with other people. Avoid swallowing ocean water because it can be contaminated with untreated sewage from fertilizers, pets, boats and faulty septic systems. Chemicals and bacteria in the water can cause gastrointestinal illness, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Other dangers include waves that can knock you down, strong currents and sunburn.

    Swimming in a River

    Swimming in the river on a hot day can keep a pregnant body cool, which eliminates the risk of becoming overheated during exercise, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Rivers can be dangerous to pregnant women too though, because the water can also be contaminated by fecal coliform. Ingesting this water is dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause diseases such as giardia and cryptosporidium, which can cause energy loss, nausea, diarrhea, gas and weight loss, according to the Vermont Department of Health. If you decide to swim in the river, don't swim alone, avoid areas with boat traffic, be aware of river currents and always wear a life jacket, suggests the Missouri Stream Team.

    Swimming in a Lake

    Some lake waters are OK for swimming while pregnant, but you should avoid swallowing lake water because it could also be contaminated with bacteria, warns the Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency. It can be tough to know how deep lake water is, so you shouldn't swim without a life jacket unless you're an experienced swimmer or swimming with others. Lakes can have jagged rocks and other dangers lurking at the bottom, so wear proper footwear to protect your feet. Be aware of boats and other watercraft on the lake and avoid swimming where there's water traffic. Larger lakes, such as the Great Lakes, can have dangerous rip currents, warns the Coast Guard Great Lakes. If you're caught in a rip current, try to maintain your footing, float or tread water, or swim parallel to the shoreline until the current eases.

    Alternative Swimming Locations and Exercises

    Pregnant women could also go for a swim at a swimming pool, but it can also be risky in some circumstances. The chemicals used in swimming pools can be dangerous for moms-to-be and their babies, if too much is being added to the water, but normal levels of chlorine are generally OK unless the water is ingested. If you're going to a swimming pool, it's a good idea to ensure you choose a pool that has clean water, with the proper amount of chemicals used, and that you avoid swallowing any water. Swimming isn't the only safe exercise you can do during pregnancy though. recommends other low-impact activities such as dancing, walking, cycling and low-impact aerobics. Consult with your health care provider before starting any exercises and when you do begin, start slowly and don't overdo it. If you feel like you're getting out of breath or uncomfortable, that's a sign to stop what you're doing and take a break.