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    Chris Hemsworth's stunt double has a funny story about training for 'Avengers Infinity War'

    In case you ever questioned Chris Hemsworth's insane level of fitness, his “Avengers: Infinity War” stunt double recently revealed that training to match the 34-year-old actor's god-like physique was a full-time job.

    Chris Hemsworth's “Thor” stunt double dished on the amount of effort it takes to look like the Hollywood heartthrob. (Image: Instagram/@bobbydazzler84)

    Pro stuntman Bobby Holland Hanton has performed some of Hemsworth's most ballsy stunts over the last five years while filming flicks for the “Avengers” and “Thor” franchises. But in an interview with, he confesses that the dangerous stunts pale in comparison to the amount of effort it takes to simply look like the middle Hemsworth bro. Tack on the fact that Thor is literally a Norse god, and you've got yourself the challenge of a lifetime.

    “Thor is definitely the most difficult character that we have to get in shape for. Chris is already huge, he's much bigger than me naturally, so I have to train twice a day,” Hanton says, adding: “It's a job in itself.”

    And when the pair isn't training or acting, you can bet that they're eating: Hanton says they scarf down eight meals every day, even during filming.

    “We might train first thing in the morning and last thing at night,” Hanton says. “We try and eat every two-and-a-half hours. For breakfast we might have something like scrambled eggs with steak and spinach. No carbs in the morning. Then two hours later we might have a chicken breast and salad.

    “After our first training session, we'd introduce the carbs, usually brown rice, sweet potato or quinoa, and then we'd continue to eat carbs up until the last meal. It's pretty intense.”

    A post shared by Bobby Holland Hanton (@bobbydazzler84) on Jul 21, 2017 at 4:47pm PDT

    Though Hanton has worked with Hemsworth on several Marvel films over the years, he confesses that the past 18 months have been the most challenging to date.

    “I've done a few 'Thor' and 'Avengers' movies now, and generally it would be over a six-month period,” he says. “But just recently we did 'Ragnarok,' straight into 'Avengers 3' and 'Avengers 4,' so it was staying in Thor shape for the best part of a year-and-a-half, and that was the biggest challenge to date so far.”

    But it's not all pain-for-glory with Hanton and Hemsworth. According to the stunt double, whose resume includes work for “Wonder Woman,” “The Dark Knight,” “Star Wars” and “Quantum of Solace,” he and Hemsworth are very compatible as friends.

    “We're the same age, have the same kind of personality and we laugh at the same things,” Hanton says. “He's very loyal and keeps a really strong team around him and takes them around on each movie.”

    Not to mention that Hemsworth knows just how to show Hanton his appreciation for taking on all the gutsy stunts. “Chris knows that I'm a big lover of watches, so he is always buying me watches - which is a bonus, for sure,” Hanton says.

    Kind of makes all that training and working out totally worth it, right?

    Read more: 5 Times Celebrities Reminded Us How Important Workout Buddies Are

    What Do YOU Think?

    Did you ever think it took that much effort to look like Chris Hemsworth? Were you impressed by any of the stunts in “Thor: Ragnarok”? Share in the comments section!