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    What Is the Teen Curfew in Georgia?

    Most teenagers are used to curfews imposed by their parents, and more and more are finding that they also have to face a curfew imposed by local law enforcement. In Georgia, teens may face both a general curfew and a driving curfew, depending on the city in which they live. The times for these curfews will vary by city and according to age.

    Nightime skyline of Atlanta, Georgia. (Image: Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images)

    Teen Curfews

    The curfew laws for teenagers will vary by city across Georgia. For example, in Alpharetta, teens 17 and younger are not permitted to be out later than 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, or later than 11:59 p.m. Friday or Saturday. Curfew ends at 6 a.m. the next day. In Dekalb County, anyone 16 and younger cannot be out between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. on any day. Curfew laws typically apply to any public places, including parks, buildings and streets.

    Teen Driving Curfews

    There is also a statewide driving curfew law that applies to teenagers, known as the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act. The law grants graduated driving privileges to teens 15 to 18. Teens can get their instructional permit at 15 and are able to drive with a passenger who is at least 21. Drivers who are 16 to 18 can get their intermediate permit, which allows them additional driving privileges but also includes several restrictions, including a driving curfew. Drivers with an intermediate permit are not allowed to drive between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. There are no exceptions to this curfew.


    When teens violate curfew, they may be subject to penalties, but most often, it is their parents who must pay the price. In the city of East Point, parents initially receive a warning, and after that, they are subject to a $1,000 fine or up to 60 days in jail. Parents in Atlanta face the same penalties. Teens who violate the driving curfew may be subject to fines, points on their license or a license suspension.


    Though there are no exceptions to the driving curfew, there are exceptions for the general curfew laws. Some exceptions to the curfew include when a minor is in the company of his parents; when he is returning home from work, school, church or a recreational activity; when he is on an emergency errand, and when he is driving on the interstate. Legally emancipated minors are also generally excepted from curfew laws. Each city and municipality outlines its own exceptions to its curfew laws.