How to Treat a Minor Burn on a Baby

Just because you know that your baby shouldn't touch that hot pot on the stove doesn't mean your baby does. If your baby has accidentally burned herself, determine how bad the burn is. If she has a first-degree burn, the skin is not blistered or punctured, but red and possibly swollen. If the skin is broken, the swelling is severe or the burn is accompanied by blisters, take your baby to the doctor or hospital immediately. If it's a first-degree burn and okay with your doctor, you can treat your baby's burn with home remedies.

Step 1
Fill the kitchen or bathroom sink with cool water and submerge the baby's burned skin for 15 minutes, according to in the article Burns. If you are unable to submerge the skin, place a clean washcloth dipped in cool water on the burned area for 15 minutes.
Step 2
Dry the burned skin completely with a towel, then apply a sterile gauze bandage to the area. Do not use a fluffy cotton bandage, because the pieces of cotton may stick to the wound and cause infection.
Step 3
Give your baby a proper dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help reduce pain and swelling. Follow the label's dosage instructions exactly for your baby's age and weight.
Step 4
Apply over-the-counter antiseptic gel or cream to the burn if it begins to blister during the healing process, recommends Place a clear, sterile bandage loosely over the antiseptic gel. Reapply the antiseptic gel and replace the bandage once a day.
Step 5
Consult a doctor if your baby has a fever or any additional symptoms associated with the burn.
Things You'll Need
Gauze bandage
Acetaminophen or ibuprofen
Over-the-counter antiseptic gel or cream
Take your child to the doctor if the burn looks infected or doesn't seem to be healing. Do not put ice, butter or grease on the burn. Do not give your baby aspirin, as it may cause Reye's syndrome, a dangerous medical condition.