Yellow Diarrhea After Meals & IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a condition that affects the colon. IBS usually occurs after an intestinal infection such as typhoid fever or colitis, according to PubMed Health. These infections may change the lining of the bowel and cause it to be more sensitive. If you have IBS, you may experience yellow diarrhea after meals.

Yellow Diarrhea
Yellow diarrhea after meals is a commons symptom of IBS. IBS causes frequent watery diarrhea that may alternate with constipation, according to PubMed Health. Frequent diarrhea causes loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration.
Your doctor may prescribe anti-diarrhea medications such as loperamide to reduce the number of watery stools. The doctor may also prescribe anticholinergic medications such as hyoscyamine and propantheline, according to PubMed Health. The anticholinergic medications are usually taken before meals to prevent colon spasms, which may trigger yellow diarrhea immediately after meals.
Dietary modifications can help prevent yellow diarrhea caused by IBS. Avoid eating large meals. Eat small, frequent meals. Avoid or limit intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks. Caffeine stimulates the colon and may worsen diarrhea. Increase intake of dietary fiber from food such as whole grains, oatmeal and beans.
Other Symptoms
IBS causes symptoms such as abdominal pain and cramping, increased intestinal gas, bloating, constipation and mucus in stool, according to These symptoms often occur after meals and may subside after a bowel movement. You may experience severe symptoms when you eat irritating foods. Avoid or limit consumption of dairy products, beans and alcohol.