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    How to Replace Milk With Water in Bisquick

    Bisquick is an all-purpose, powdered baking and pancake mix. Made from enriched wheat flour, 1/3 cup of Bisquick contains 160 calories, 4.5 g of fat, 26 g of carbohydrate, 3 g of protein and 1 g of fiber. Preparing the Bisquick mixture with water instead of milk will not alter the taste of your pancakes or biscuits, but may make them slightly drier.


    Step 1

    Sift together in a large bowl six cups of Bisquick, 2 tbsp. of baking powder, 1 tbsp. of baking soda, 2 tbsp. of sugar and 1 tbsp. of salt.

    Step 2

    Add one cup of shortening to the dry ingredients and blend well with a large spoon.

    Step 3

    Add one egg and 1 2/3 cups of water as a substitute for milk to the dry ingredients. Whisk well.

    Step 4

    Fry the pancakes according to package directions. This should yield 14 large pancakes.


    Step 1

    Sift in a large bowl eight cups of Bisquick, 1/3 cup of baking powder, 2 tsp. of salt and 8 tbsp. of sugar.

    Step 2

    Add one cup of vegetable shortening and blend well with a large spoon.

    Step 3

    Add 2/3 cup of water to the mixture as a substitute for the milk. Blend well.

    Step 4

    Bake the biscuits in the oven according to the Bisquick instructions. This should yield about 12 biscuits.

    Things You'll Need

    • Measuring cup

    • Sifter

    • Whisk

    • Tablespoon

    • Baking soda

    • Baking powder

    • Salt

    • Sugar

    • Vegetable shortening

    • Large spoon


    Store any unused mixture in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer for future use. It should keep in the refrigerator for one month and in the freezer for up to three months.