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    How to Close Big Pores on Your Legs, Arms & Face

    Enlarged pores can cause makeup to settle, blackheads to form and general cosmetic concerns. Although you cannot physically reduce pore size, proper skin care and resurfacing treatments can make pores appear smaller. Enlarged pores occur on your face, legs and arms without prejudice and are normally caused by hair removal methods or acne. Consult your dermatologist before starting at-home regimens for pore reduction to ensure no skin conditions are present.

    A selection of face cleansers. (Image: pogrebkov/iStock/Getty Images)

    Step 1

    Cleanse your skin one to two times daily with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Exfoliating cleansers remove debris from pores that cause stretching, reports. Use of exfoliating washes more often than twice daily can worsen your condition.

    Step 2

    Apply an over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide acne lotion to remove dirt and debris from your pores. Lotions containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid will reduce oil production and remove dead skin cells and bacteria from stretching your pores any further, says the University of Maryland Medical Center website.

    Step 3

    Apply alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acid products to your skin once daily. These natural fruit acids remove the top layers of dead skin cells. In turn, this reduces pore size and leaves your skin brighter and even toned, suggests

    Step 4

    Don oil-free cosmetics to help keep pores clear and minimize pore appearance suggests the University of Maryland Medical Center. Cosmetics that are labeled oil-free, water-based or noncomedogenic are better for keeping pores under wraps without adding oils to further clog them.

    Step 5

    Visit your dermatologist for microdermabrasion treatments. Microdermabrasion treatments reduce pore size by deeply exfoliating your skin and removing pore enlarging debris, reports

    Things You'll Need

    • Exfoliating cleanser

    • Benzoyl peroxide lotions

    • Alpha hydroxy acids

    • Oil free cosmetics