How to Change Razor Blades

With the invention of the double-edge safety razor by King Camp Gillette in 1895, a revolution in shaving technology happened. No longer would men have to maintain the edge or risk the pain of a straight razor. Still popular today, double-edge razors provide a clean and even shave using an inexpensive replaceable blade. The blades are thin strips of steel with a razor edge on each side. A small knob at the end of the razor handle opens the razor to allows removal of an old, worn out blade to replace it with a fresh, new one.

Step 1
Hold the handle of the razor in one hand with the head of the razor up to prevent the blade from dropping out when the razor opens.
Step 2
Grasp the knob at the end of the handle. Rotate the knob couterclockwise to loosen the screw rod and either open the butterfly clamps on the head of the razor or release the blade cover completely.
Step 3
Open the butterfly clamps completely or remove the blade cover to reveal the razor blade.
Step 4
Grasp the shorter sides of the razor blade between your thumb and forefinger and pull the blade from the top of the razor. Do not grasp the sharp edges of the blade. Set the razor blade safely aside.
Step 5
Remove a new razor blade from its package, carefully. Hold the blade between thumb and forefinger by its shorter edges. Insert the blade into the top of the razor. Ensure the blade is properly aligned.
Step 6
Replace the razor cover, if necessary. Turn the knob at the end of the handle clockwise to close the butterfly clamps of secure the razor cover in place.
Step 7
Adjust the knob at the bottom of the handle to set the angle of the blade in the razor.
Things You'll Need
Double-edge razor
New razor blade
Allow your double-edge razor to dry thoroughly after each use to avoid corroding the blade.
Do not grasp the razor blade by the sharp longer edges to avoid a nasty cut.