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    What Are the Treatment Options for Loose Teeth Due to Gum Disease?

    Gum disease starts when there is inflammation in the gums. Left untreated, it can become more severe and cause bone loss. Severe gum disease, called periodontitis, occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that can infect the gums. When this happens, gums can separate from the teeth, causing your teeth to loosen. Treatments options for loose teeth due to gum disease include deep cleaning, reshaping antibiotics or bone grafting, .

    Dentist looking at X-rays (Image: Karin Dreyer/Blend Images/Getty Images)

    Deep Cleaning

    Pockets may develop when bacteria infect the gums and bones. If this condition is not caught early enough, a dentist may first need to clean bacteria out of the pockets using a deep-cleaning method called scaling -- scraping tartar off the gum line. Membranes or tissue-stimulating proteins can then be used to try to stimulate the gums and bones to heal themselves and re-tighten around the teeth. After this procedure, it is essential to keep up good oral hygiene practices and get regular dental checkups.

    Root Planing

    Root planing is a procedure that can be used in the early stages of gum disease when the teeth are just starting to loosen. The goal is to help reshape the teeth to get rid of rough spots so that germs can not build up. Afterwards a laser can be used to remove any remaining plaque and tartar. This procedure, when combined with good dental hygiene, can help to slow the progression of gum disease, allowing your gums to strengthen and shape around your teeth. It will also be necessary to stop smoking, as tobacco can interfere with the healing process and increases the risk of future infections.

    Antibiotic Treatment

    Gum disease needs to be treated -- bacteria that cause this disease can enter the body and lead to other illnesses. Periodontal disease can contribute to heart disease, stroke, full-body infections and premature births. Along with loose teeth, gum disease can cause painful gums and chronic bad breath that is not from food. The first step is to control the infection, and in some cases this may require placing antibiotics right on the gum.

    Bone Grafts

    A bone graft involves pulling the gums away from the teeth so that the roots can be cleaned and any pockets filled. The filling consists of a bone graft made from a person's own bone and tissues whenever possible. The gums are then stitched back together. Within a few months, new bone and tissue should form so that the tooth becomes reattached to the gums.