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    Smoking While Fasting

    Fasting refers to the process of abstaining from solid foods in an attempt to purge your body of toxins during religious rites or as a method of weight loss. You are instructed to only take in liquids such as juices or water for the course of your fast. For smoker's, nicotine addiction may be the ideal way to help curb hunger during fasting because of the hunger suppression effects; however smoking is not the answer and puts you in more danger than ever. According to, 85 percent of lung cancer cases are documented as smoking being the main cause.

    Smoking may curb hunger while you're fasting. (Image: Thinkstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images)


    Many smokers claim that cigarettes help calm their nerves, curb hunger and occupy their minds. These claims may be true but general health is being neglected. points out that although smoking has nothing to do with food consumption, it is the most dangerous habit to participate in during your fast. The longer your fast continues, while inhaling cigarette smoke, the more life-threatening attributes take over.


    Chemicals found in cigarettes are more harmful to your body during periods of fasting because your body starts to turn to these chemicals for nutrients. Compiled of nicotine, carbon monoxide and radioactive nuclides, cigarette smoking increases the risk of nausea, dizziness and vomiting as these components quickly damage your central nervous system. After a week of fasting and smoking, your body is more susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide as your body is now using stored fat and nutrients, increasing your risk of heart attack or stroke according to

    Chemical Makeup

    The chemical makeup of cigarettes is enough to make anyone cringe. Besides the well known nicotine and carbon monoxide content several other chemicals and gases are in cigarettes. Radioactive components such as bismuth and lead are present, leading to intake of up to 500 roentgens of radiation per year, according to Ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen oxide and cyonide gases also exist within cigarettes, as well as more toxic arsenic and hydrocyanic acid. During fasting, your body becomes more responsive to the effects of these chemicals and gases, boosting the harmful side effects.


    With smoking having negative effects on your lungs and heart, alternatives to smoking during fasting and during regular dieting are required to stay in good heatlh, according to Exercise is one such alternative that not only helps you get into shape but also helps curb nicotine cravings. When the desire to smoke hits, go for a walk or perform relaxation exercise such as yoga until the craving subsides. Support groups for smoking cessation are also available to help you kick the habit, although smoking cessation should be done before participating in a fast. Groups provide a sympathetic ear and plenty of information to help you make the right choice when the urge to light up hits.