Lateral Pelvic Tilt Correction Exercises

The lateral pelvic tilt is a postural deviation in which one side of your pelvis is tilted to your left or right, causing one side of your hip to appear higher than the opposite side. This can cause the shoulder on the same side or the opposite side of the higher hip to elevate, resulting in back and hip pain and movement dysfunctions. Corrective exercises can improve your posture by addressing the cause of the postural deviation rather than the symptoms of the deviation.
Supine Opposite Reach
This exercise works on stretching and moving the muscles and fasciae that connect your pelvis to your spine, shoulders and limbs. You may find one side of your body move better than the other side. Lie on the ground on your back with your arms straight on the ground near your head and your legs slightly apart. Reach your left hand and right foot away from your body with your right heel pushing away. Hold this stretch for three deep breaths and reach with your opposite limbs. Perform two sets of 10 reps on each side of your body.
Prone Opposite Reach
Like the previous exercise, this also elicits the same benefits; however, the prone position places less stress upon your lower back. Lie on the ground on your stomach with your legs slightly apart. Bring your arms near your head with your palms facing down so that your head is between your biceps. Put a small towel beneath your face to cushion your forehead. Reach your left hand and your right leg away from your body. Hold this stretch for three deep breaths and reach with your opposite limbs. Perform two sets of 10 reps on each side of your body.
Kneeling Lateral Stretch
This exercise stretches the muscles and fasciae along the side of your pelvis, torso and shoulder while keeping your lower body stable in the kneeling position. Kneel on the ground on your right knee with your left foot in front of you and with your knee bent at 90 degrees. Raise your right hand over your head and tighten your right buttock to stretch your hip flexors. Push your pelvis forward and lean your torso to your left. Hold the stretch for five to six deeps breaths. Perform two sets of stretches on each side of your body.
Expert Insight
Consult with a qualified health and exercise professional to determine the best strategy to address your lateral pelvic tilt condition. Since everyone has different bodies, health and causes of pain which lead to the lateral pelvic tilt, an exercise or method that works for one person may hurt another, says physical therapist Gray Cook, author of "Movement." Corrective exercise training for any condition must be based on each individual, never with a one-size-fits-all method.