How to Be a Good Husband to Your Pregnant Wife

Expecting a child is one of the most exciting experiences of a married couple's life. It can also be extremely stressful. The physical, hormonal and emotional changes that come with pregnancy can be quite overwhelming. More than ever, your wife will need your loving support. Consider a few important tips about how to be a good husband to your expectant wife as the two of you experience this challenging, but amazing, time in your life together.

Step 1
Listen to your wife's concerns. Even if your wife is thrilled to be expecting, she may also be scared, nervous or uncertain. Be her sounding board. Encourage her to share her thoughts and feelings with you. She needs to know that you are available to her.
Step 2
Take over some of her domestic responsibilities. Pregnant women frequently have to cope with morning sickness and exhaustion. Picking up a few of the chores is a simple thing to do, but it means a lot to a woman who has spent the whole day feeling nauseated and tired. More than anything else, it will show your wife that you're aware of her and you want to do what you can to help her. Offer to do more of the cooking and cleaning for her so she can get some rest.
Step 3
Take a parenting class together. Even if your wife is planning to be the primary caretaker, both of you are going to be parents. Learn how to change diapers, fix bottles, install a carseat properly, and babyproof your house alongside your wife. She needs to feel like you are her partner in this process, not merely an interested observer.
Step 4
Accompany your wife to her doctor appointments. Be aware of your wife's birth plan so you'll know how best to help her through her labor. Do not wait until you're at the hospital, with your wife on the verge of giving birth, to ask her whether she's planning on natural childbirth. Discuss the options with your physician ahead of time so you can focus all of your attention on your wife.
Step 5
Help her get your house ready for your little one's arrival. Go with your wife to shop for baby clothes, choose a crib and pick the colors for the nursery. Preparing is fun for moms-to-be; enjoy the experience with her.
Step 6
Tell your wife how beautiful she is and how much you love her. With all of the physical changes the body undergoes, it is not unusual for a woman to feel unattractive and undesirable. One of the most important things you can do to be a good husband is to tell your wife often that you think she's beautiful and you are lucky to have her in your life.
Be patient with your wife's mood swings. Indulge her cravings. Make her comfort a greater priority than your own.
In spite of your best efforts, at some point your wife's emotions will probably get the better of her. Tears or anger will likely ensue. With your focus on your wife, it's easy to neglect yourself; take care of your needs, too.