The Side Effects of Sleepytime Tea

Sleepytime tea is a type of herbal tea produced by Celestial Seasonings. The company maintains that this tea is made from all-natural herbs, has zero calories and is caffeine free. According to Celestial Seasonings' website, Sleepytime tea has a "comforting aroma" that can help soothe your body after a long day. However, the ingredients contained in this tea have side effects. Consult your doctor about the ingredients in this tea before trying it.

Effects of Chamomile
Chamomile is the main ingredient in Sleepytime tea. If you have an allergy to daisies or ragweed, you may be allergic to chamomile, since they are all plants in the Asteraceae family. Chamomile is an herbal depressant. It can cause excessive drowsiness in some people, especially when combined with sedative medication or alcohol. Chamomile may increase anticoagulant effects and interfere with blood clotting. Therefore, you should not consume Sleepytime tea when you are taking anticoagulants such as aspirin or warfarin.
Effects of Tilia Flowers
Tilia flowers -- medicinal flowers that have tranquilizing effects -- are found in Sleepytime tea. They are yellowish flowers with five petals and grow from linden trees. The sap of these trees contains sugar, and when the flower is infused, it results in a sweet-tasting tea. Although considered a rare side effect, cardiac damage has been linked to frequent usage, and long-term ingestion may have the potential for cardiotoxicity, according to Again, these side effects are rare, but you may be more prone to them if you have a cardiac condition.
Effects of Lemongrass
Lemongrass comes from India and is commonly used as an antiseptic there for internal and external wounds. Allergic reactions may occur as a result of taking lemongrass. These reactions tend to involve your respiratory system and are manifested in a variety of ways, including difficulty breathing, tightness in your throat and pain in your chest, according to the Flora website. Also, since lemongrass is purported to relieve menstrual cramps by stimulating the menstrual cycle, it should not be ingested if you are pregnant.
Effects of Blackberry Leaf
Celestial Seasonings lists blackberry leaf, a known astringent that contains tannin, as one of its ingredients in Sleepytime tea. Its high level of tannin gives tea its color and some flavor as well. However, the tannin in blackberry leaf has the potential to upset your stomach, causing you to possibly vomit, according to NaturalPedia. This is even more of a concern if you have a sensitive stomach or a history of gastrointestinal problems.