How to Use Coconut Oil for Infection

As the medical field continues to caution against the unnecessary use of antibiotics and other medications, evidence continues to suggest some natural foods -- such as the coconut -- may have healing properties.

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a fatty acid with anti-viral, antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, according to the Natural News website. Coconut oil proponent, Bruce Fife, says two to three tablespoons of coconut oil helps to protect the body against viruses and bacteria. Use caution when using coconut oil if you have a history of allergies. Coconut oil is a natural food product that is not approved for medicinal use. Consult with your primary care physician before self-medicating for any type of infection.
Step 1
Fill a sterilized eyedropper with organic, extra virgin coconut oil and put several drops into your ear canal to help soothe an ear infection. Lie still for several minutes to allow the oil to travel into the canal.
Step 2
Apply a coconut oil-based moisturizer to the skin following your bath or shower. The fatty acids in coconut oil help to reestablish the skin's acidic balance and speed the healing of inflammation and infection.
Step 3
Add ¼ cup of coconut milk to your morning smoothie. Coconut milk is rich in coconut oil, which helps to dissolve excess sebum in the body that can cause inflammation and acne.
Step 4
Treat athlete's foot with a light massage of coconut oil. Rub into the skin and wear a pair of white cotton socks to protect bed linen.
Step 5
Apply coconut oil directly to your fingernail bed to treat a fungus infection.
Things You'll Need
Coconut oil
Coconut milk
Always use organic, extra virgin coconut oil for medicinal purposes.
Coconut milk, the clear liquid found in the fruit's center, is a healthy alternative to sports drinks.