How to Shave Female Pubic Hair

Shaving the pubic area originated in ancient Greece and Egypt, states the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. During that time, a shaved pubic area was a sign that a woman was a prostitute. Since then, shaving the pubic area has evolved into a personal choice without the stigma associated with it during ancient times. When you shave the pubic area, you can decide to shave all the hair or you can shave some hair and trim the rest. Using a proper shaving technique minimizes your risk of nicks, ingrown hairs and razor rash.

Step 1
Clip your pubic hair with a pair of small scissors. By clipping off a few inches of the pubic hair, your shaving session won't be painful.
Step 2
Moisten the pubic hair and skin by soaking in a bathtub of warm water for at least five minutes before shaving.
Step 3
Place shaving gel onto the pubic area. Shaving gel acts as a lubricating barrier between the skin and razor which minimizes the risk of nicks and razor burn.
Step 4
Grab a new single blade razor with your dominant hand.
Step 5
Shave with the grain of the hair. For example, place the razor at the top of the pubic hair when shaving the mons pubis, or the area just below the pubic bone. Guide the razor downward toward the labia, or vaginal lips. Go over each area only once to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs, recommends CNN Health.
Step 6
Dip the razor in water or rinse it under water after each stroke to remove hair and shaving gel. If hair and shaving gel aren't removed, you may get an uneven shave.
Step 7
Rinse your pubic area off after you are done shaving. Use cool water if desired to reduce the inflammation that shaving causes.
Step 8
Smooth on three or four drops of baby oil on the shaved area to prevent pimples. If your skin is inflamed after shaving, apply aloe vera cream on your skin.
Things You'll Need
Shaving gel
Single-blade razor
Baby oil
Aloe vera cream
If you want the pubic area to stay completely smooth, you will probably have to shave it daily.
Should you notice any bumps on the shaved area, you may have ingrown hairs and should avoid shaving the area until the bumps heal.