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    How to Make Scalp Hair Grow Back Naturally

    Losing your hair can be an embarrassing situation to go through, but it happens to million of Americans. While most of the people who lose their hair are over the age of 40, anyone can get bald spots and lose hair. You lose your hair from an illness, a bad diet, but--most of all--hair loss is hereditary. You lose your hair when your skin cells become damaged and stop producing the chemical keratin. Keratin is the key chemical that is used to grow hair, so you must produce enough if you want to grow your hair back. You can make your scalp grow hair back naturally by drinking enough water, eating enough protein and drinking green tea.

    Step 1

    Drink green tea to make your hair grow back naturally. Green tea lowers the levels of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, in your body. DHT is one on the main culprits to hair loss, so drinking tea can help your hair grow back in a natural way. Drink at least 24 oz. of green tea every day to help your scalp grow hair back.

    Step 2

    Consume protein at every meal. Protein is full of a chemical called biotin, which helps your skin cells stay healthy and begin growing hair again. Biotin is great for healthy hair, skin and nails. At every meal, consume protein like eggs, peanut butter and nuts.

    Step 3

    Rub olive oil into your skin. Olive oil can make your scalp grow hair back naturally by cleaning out your pores. Dead skin, dirt and sweat build up in your hair follicles every day, and they become clogged. Olive oil can flush the dirt and dead skin from your hair follicles so they can grow hair again. Put a few drops of olive oil into your hand and massage into your scalp.

    Step 4

    Drink plenty of water. If you are dehydrated, you don't have enough water in your body to keep it moisturized. If your body is not moisturized properly, it cannot get the nutrients it needs to grow hair back on your scalp. says you should drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day.

    Step 5

    Use aromatherapy to make your scalp grow hair back naturally. A November 1998 "Archives of Dermatology" reports that 44 percent of 43 patients who applied a combination of oils to their scalp for seven months grew new hair on their scalp. Aromatherapy uses essential oils to open up your skin follicles and help your body produce keratin again.