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    The Benefits of Lemon Oil on Skin

    Refreshing feelings of purity and cleanliness describe the savory fragrance of lemon oil. A scent, often detected in commercial cleaners, the use of lemon oil has become an American favorite with documented use dating as far back as 800 B.C.

    Lemon oil is highly used in holistic medical practices throughout the world and cultivated, primarily in North America and the Mediterranean. Extractions of the oil are obtained by cold expression of the peels of unripe fruit.

    Antiseptic Benefits

    Lemon oil deploys antiseptic effects on fresh minor infections of the skin, including acne. Applications can be made with a small compress of lemon and lavender oil diluted in a bowl of water. Simply absorb the surface mixture with a facecloth and hold in place on the wound for up to 10 minutes, suggests Colorado LMT, Carri Reichert. Dilution prevents the stinging pain of straight application to an open wound, making it more tolerable; the combination with lavender oil provides soothing effects. Avoid going into the sun immediately after using lemon oil on the skin as burning and itching may occur.

    According to aromatherapist, Clare Maxwell Hudson, lemon oil can be used effectively as an antiseptic to treat skin irritation caused by head lice, by adding 8 to 10 drops of oil to 10 ml of jojoba, massaging it into the scalp, leaving it in overnight, and thoroughly rinsing upon waking.

    Astringent Benefits

    When the skin becomes oily, lemon oil provides a natural tonifier, balancing and rejuvenating the skin when used properly. Simply diluting a natural carrier oil such as jojoba or soy with 1 percent lemon oil provides the necessary components to assure proper absorption and penetration to the skin.

    Blending juniper and rosemary to lemon oil with a carrier oil as the base, creates a beneficial combination formula to combat cellulite. Special massage techniques to stimulate lymphatic flow and assist toxin removal stored in the cells, minimize the overall appearance and inflammation of cellulite.

    Anti-viral Benefits

    Compounds called polyphenols are found in lemon oil and provide an impressive anti-viral property. When used in a balm, lemon oil can effectively treat cold sores. Christiane Northrup, M.D., advises applying lemon oil in balm form to the lip when an individual feels a cold sore coming on. Applying the balm several times a day will deteriorate all signs of appearance, and normally heal completely within 6 days.

    Soothing Action

    Dry weather conditions can play havoc on skin especially to pronounced rough patches around the elbows, feet, or even on the hands. When mixed with a few drops of glycerin, and applied to these areas before bed, you'll wake up refreshed and with smooth, soothed, healthier skin, according to New York City skin care specialist, Lia Schorr. Lemon oil is rich in vitamin C, a necessary component to healthy skin care and wellness.